
I am a CNRS research director at the Institut Camille Jordan (ICJ), Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France.

Since January 2019, I am deputy director of the International Research Unit PIMS-Europe (CNRS UMI 3069)

Research interests

I am working at the interface between mathematics and biology.
Please, visit the Publications page for a complete list of papers.

I was the principal investigator of the ERC starting grant MESOPROBIO (2015-2020).
The project also involves Jimmy Garnier (LAMA, Chambéry) and Sepideh Mirrahimi (Inst. Math. Toulouse).

I am currently the principal investigator of the ERC consolidator grant WACONDY (2021-2025).
The project also involves Florence Débarre (IEES, Paris) and Hélène Hivert (Institut Camille Jordan).



Institut Camille Jordan
Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
43 boulevard du 11 novembre 1918
69622 Villeurbanne Cedex, France

e-mail: vincent[dot]calvez[at]math[dot]cnrs[dot]fr